A downloadable game for Windows

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Hail Adventurers! 

I bid ye welcome to the realm of avorkarth, a low-fantasy realm. In this project, my aim is to create a "Choose your own Adventure" style Role Playing Game with many paths to achieving victory in your quests, and not just through the pointy end of a sword.

This first miniature demo is my first attempt at publishing a game, to test and see if the self-taught code of a painter holds up to the scrutiny of others. I therefore invite you proudly to give it a go, and thank you heartily if you do! Can you find all 8 endings to this tiny adventure?

I apologize if I missed anything as this is my first time trying to put a game up. If you find any bugs, please do let me know on the Itch.io page! Thank you for giving this a go!

If you are interested in knowing more about Avorkarth, please check out the website I've created where I'm writing all the lore and adding a ton more of my artworks : Avorkarth.com

If you are interested in seeing how my art is painted, my youtube channel; ConceptArtistJR, holds speedpaints by the plenty! (Including the wallpaper above)

Be well adventurer, and good luck on all your travels,
Julien R. (ConceptArtistJR)


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Trials of Avorkarth.zip 197 MB


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(2 edits)

*QA* In the Journal (Quest) window, Text "I met NPC_NAME, a young karthian child..."  Also when I restart a new game, when I speak with Olfred, the journal window fills with chat content of the first game.   It does change after I select a new text option.  Ex.:  Reward for help to I agreed to help. 

Oooh - Most interesting, especially the journal window filling... I could've sworn I fixed that one haha. Thank you so much for this incredible feedback! It seems I've got work ahead of me to fix in my custom rpg scripts to make sure those kind of things won't happen in the main game. :)

Give one coin pouch to the kobold and "Let the kobold go" then speak with Olfred, there will be no text options to choose and no way to get out of the chat window.

Right on! Thanks for bringing that to my attention! :)

*Not a Bug - just FYI* - Had to download and install Microsoft Visual C++ to run this game.  Windows 10

Noted - thank you!